The Quality of Purified Eel Fish ((Monopterus Albus Zuieuw) Oil and Mackerel Tuna Fish (Euthynnus Affinis) Oil

Sri Widia Ningsih, Nita Andriani Lubis, Gabriella Septiani Nasution


Fish oil nutrition has excellent potential in addressing stunting and other malnutrition. This study aimed to purify Eel fish oil (EFO) and Mackerel tuna fish oil (MTFO) extract using activated bentonite and measure the quality of the fish oil extract based on the international fish oil standard (IFOS). An experimental study with a randomized block was designed. The eel fish and Mackerel tuna were extracted with ethanol and n-hexane and then processed by degumming, neutralization, and bleaching with activated bentonite by concentration variations (2%, 4% and 6%). The quality of fish oil extract was characterized (peroxide number, anisidine number, free fatty acid, TOTOX number, vitamin D, fatty acid composition, and oil clarity). Data was analyzed using One-way ANOVA. The oil quality parameters from EFO and MTFO (peroxide value, free fatty acids, anisidine value, and TOTOX value) meet IFOS standards. EFO transmissions were the clearest (83.176 – 99.311). EFO’s SFA was the highest (81.73%). The highest MUFA was in MTFO (33.6%). The highest PUFA was in  EFO (30.5%). The highest vitamin D was in MTFO (5,7140 ppm). One-way ANOVA tested on all variables (P>1) showed that BP in fish oil did not significantly affect its quality. It is necessary to improvise purifying techniques to extract vitamin D and fish oil output.


Keywords: bentonite; eel fish; fish oil; mackerel tuna fish; purification


Bentonite; eel fish; fish oil; mackerel tuna fish; purification

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Copyright (c) 2024 Sri Widia Ningsih, Nita Andriani Lubis, Gabriella Septiani Nasution

"HEALTH NOTIONS" ISSN: 2580-4936 (online version only), published by Humanistic Network for Science and Technology    

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