A Literature Review of Quality of Work Life

Meliana Handayani


The purpose of the present study is to explore the consequences of quality of work life. It systematically searched and collected studies related to quality of work life and it consequences. QWL is useful for improving and reducing job stress, employers can also make more effective efforts in combating workload and job demands, companies need to carry out job training, communication, reward systems, inter-worker relations and a good working environment. QWL affects organizational commitment and loyalty, improving employee's positive attitudes, increasing employee's intrinsic productivity and motivation, improving corporate effectiveness and competitive in the face of global business as well as the quality of employee life. These variables may affect performance of individual as well as organizational performance.

Keywords: Quality of work life, Human resources, Performance

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33846/hn.v2i6.222


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Copyright (c) 2018 Meliana Handayani

"HEALTH NOTIONS" ISSN: 2580-4936 (online version only), published by Humanistic Network for Science and Technology    

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